Music hello everyone, DJ here. Let's talk about a skill that everyone in the Army National Guard should have, and in the reserve components in general. But today, just Army National Guard. In addition to being able to read your leave and earning statement or LES, everyone should be able to understand their retirement point statement. This is a long episode, so if you need to take it in chunks to make it a little easier to comprehend, don't want to get you drowning in too much information. I know that's easy to happen to me, so let's try to take it in small pieces if you can. And here's a question you might be asking: why DJ? You know I'm just going to be in the National Guard for a few years and then getting out. Why do I need to know how to read this thing? Well, this statement tells you more than just what you'll earn if you make it to 20 years and eligibility for a monthly pension. It also tells you if you're eligible for other types of benefits. There will be a separate episode on these benefits later. For now, let's focus on the retirement and pension side of things. Let me say from the outset that this will be much easier to understand if you have your own point statement in front of you. If you don't have one, be sure to ask your full-time personnel to pull that statement for you. It is also possible that you can find a copy in your electronic personnel record or Iperms, as it's called in the Army National Guard, or for army service members in general. There are several different types of versions, unless redundant, there are several versions of the point statement available in...
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Current ngb 34-1 Form: What You Should Know
Please provide the following: • Current military status • Current name, rank, and branch. • Eligibility for eligibility • Physical description and medical certification. You will need to provide proof of certification such as a signed copy of current certification letter, Department of Defense Forms 34-2021, 33-4071, PHA medical certificate, or official medical documentation. • Social Security Number, if applicable 2 GB34 Form NG A-G Form Application for Reserve Officer Classification (A-R) I certify that this application is being made in my best interest. I agree to the rules and regulations governing the military, including, but not limited to, the rules in the Army National Guard/Reserves Manual, the Active Guard/Reserve Personnel Manual, and the Armed Forces Special Selection Bulletin in effect at the time the application for A-R is submitted. I understand that: 1. A-R personnel are considered to be National Guard or on active duty to the end of the year. 2. Active Guard and Reserve Personnel must undergo mandatory physical fitness assessments before being deployed for an assignment. Active Guard and Reserve Personnel must also participate in regular annual screening for drugs and alcohol as well as an extensive predeployment and  post-deployment fitness test as approved by the Chief of Staff, Army Physical Composition and Evaluation Command. I am signing this application in my own best interest. I understand that a written recommendation must be submitted from the Department of Defense Medical Aide to the Director, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to the responsible office in the Department of the Army for consideration of an Army National Guard or an Army Reserve personnel as an A-R candidate for active duty. The recommendation will be presented to OPM, via the Secretary of Defense, for a decision. A waiver of initial eligibility under this condition is not considered. I attest to the validity of the following: a. All information contained on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; b. This application may be used to apply for Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) status; and, 3.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Current Ngb Form 34-1