Let's move on to section 4. It is straightforward. You know, I do or do not want to be considered for military education and program. Obviously, you want to say "yes" on there. I have verified the information above, which is what you are doing right now if you're going through this video. And yes, you know everything is correct. You sign this bad boy, you date it right. And if you go down here, these are board points on section 5. This is nothing that you know you have control over. Once your complete packet is sent over to the promotion board, there are members on there. They'll review your packet and then they'll give scores based on what they see in your packing, how they want to evaluate you as a soldier. Completely now if you go to section 6 here, these are the total scores that you have now based off of your administrative data. And then later down the line, once the board members have added their points up and calculated everything, they add it at the bottom of this. And you'll see this on section 30, 32, 34, right, which is part of section 5 on section 6. You see at the bottom here, that's part of that right there. So let's go down right down the line right. So most of these right here, you have a maximum of 75 points with the board points 400. And you go, "What the board points is all that really matters? Why should I care about the other stuff?" Well, let me tell you why, right? Your time, your grade, you don't have control over that time service. You see, the house gonna show over that. Awards, you know, well go above and beyond, you don't have...
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Ngb 34-2 Form: What You Should Know
GB 34 2 or above. PDF GB 34-1, Personnel Information Request. This document is used only to request personnel information from the U.S. Department of defense. This is used by the Department of Defense to determine eligibility. This is not something to file with the U.S. Department of Labor. A person may request employment data from the Department of Labor if a person is covered under a federal wage and hour law. For more information, please see:Â How To Request Employment Data From The U.S. Department of Labor GB 34 3, Application for Non-Standard/Post 12, Non-Dependent Status (NSS). This form is used for applications for a non-standard, non-dependent status. A person is eligible for a non-standard, non-dependent position if they meet the General Schedule (GS) qualifications. The non-standard, non-dependent position does not have a requirement for hours of service. Applicants who wish to apply for a non-standard, non-dependent position must be employed full time full year. Applicants who have been employed full time as a full-time employee for a minimum of 30 months during the applicable period, or who have worked for a period of 6 months beginning after their layoff in connection with a layoff which terminates their regular employment in the Department of Defense shall be considered standard non-dependent. There is a standard non-dependent position which can only be attained by either (1) an applicant who has met the General Schedule qualifications or (2) an applicant who has been in the active status on active duty for a period of a minimum of 12 months. A candidate shall report to the Human Resources Office for information as to this status. The Human Resources Office issues this form to candidates for non-standard, non-dependent status who apply for a position which cannot be completed prior to the expiration of the GS qualification in 12 months. A candidate must first be qualified to the non-standard, non-dependent position before being eligible to receive the non-standard, non-dependent position qualification. For a candidate having already been qualified to the position and seeking a non-standard, non-dependent position qualification, the candidate must wait at least two years from the date on which he was qualified to the non-standard, non-dependent position.
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