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ngb form 34-1, 20131111 application for active guard
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341st military intelligence battalion
The Linguist mission aims to create and maintain the ability of the Linguist Soldier to be able to communicate and collaborate with local communities through . Military Intelligence Soldiers perform a wide variety of linguistics tasks that may include, but are not limited to: counterintelligence; intelligence gathering; information gathering and analysis; counterintelligence tactics; covert action; linguistics; psychological operations; and cultural and linguistic expertise. The Linguist does not use English as a common language with which to communicate as the Linguist uses native, third-language (BLOC) communications. The vernacular, which the Linguist uses, is considered vernacular by military intelligence to be understood even if not heard. The National Guard Linguists work in conjunction with the Washington Office of the Chief of Defense Intelligence (CIO) as an element of the National Guard Intelligence Group. The CIO provides support to DC IO, Army Medical Agency, Military Intelligence, Special Forces, and the Army's Intelligence and Security Command through.
341st military intelligence battalion honored for language skills
The United States Army National Guard's Military Intelligence Battalion, headquartered at Fort Lewis, in Tacoma, Wash., has reached a milestone: The battalion has been recognized by The Governor of Washington State for performing the duties of a military intelligence component during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. “I'm proud to be an Army National Guard soldier because this is a true reflection of what we stand for and our values. The dedication and dedication in this community are what I treasure most,” said Colonel Robert Jones, commanding officer of the Military Intelligence Battalion. The Military Intelligence Battalion's accomplishments include: 1) Intelligence analysts in the battalion spent more than 2,700 hours collecting, analyzing, compiling and presenting intelligence data for use by commanders of the ground services, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Strategic Command 2) Intelligence analysts also helped the Joint Intelligence Center (JIC) provide the military with data to plan for operations against Iraq. 3) In.
10 us code § 341 - department of defense state partnership
For the payment of costs incurred by the Secretary of the Army for the destruction, or preparation for destruction, of certain weapons of mass destruction and related materials at military installations abroad. (3) National Guard of may be paid from appropriations available to the Department of Defense-- (A) the cost of operations and maintenance of the National Guard forces of a State or territory; and (B) the cost of operating and maintaining private-sector army and reserve components. (4) National Guard of territories and may be paid from appropriations available to the Department of Defense the cost of operations and maintenance of the National Guard forces of a territory or possession of the United States. Limitations on Use of Appropriations For Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide, For Expenses for Procurement of Temporary and Intermittent Modernization and Refurbishment of Buildings, and Construction of Temporary Facilities, and for Other (1) In.
Yeager air national guard base
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